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3D Object

In any disaster, no matter how big or small, one can always use a hug. 

When facing a stressful situation, a person often becomes over stimulated and unable to make coherent decisions- only causing stress to increase exponentially! Hugvest is a designed de-stressing experience. As your pulse accelerates, Hugvest senses this, and begins to “breathe” in and out at a pace that will bring your racing heart to a steady rhythm. As Hugvest inflates, it feels as though you are getting that squeeze you need, even when no one is around to give you it. No need to spend loads of time or money de-stressing, Hugvest is the perfect anytime option. 

Hugvest utilizes state-of-the-art Arduino technology and adjusts to breathe with you and steady your heart rate throughout your entire de-stressing experience. Wear for a few minutes, or a few hours, and you will have a clearer mind and a happier heart- guaranteed.


© 2015 Copy Right by Irene Wing Sum Wu

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